
Vacations are Good for Your Health and Well-being

Published Categorized as Travel Guide
Vacations are Good for Your Health and Well-being

How many times have you wished for a holiday but told yourself that it was just not possible as you could not take time off? How many times you have cried I am tired of being tired and yet not done anything about it?

How many times have you complained about your job, spent long hours working then gag at the notion of treating yourself out of fear of losing momentum?

This is all too common in the fast-paced world we live in right now, where work tends to take priority over our own personal health and well-being. A recent study showed that U.S. workers on average only take half their paid leave days, and the aftermath can be feelings of overwork, overwhelm, and overweight.

Among those who do manage to go on vacation, many have difficulty disengaging completely from work. The numbers that admit to undertaking work activity during their time off, however, are staggering some even receive calls from co-workers or superiors relative to work matters.

But it is high time we acknowledge and remind ourselves of the need to delay our dreams or wants, and place our needs first. Yet, time off work is not something that we can do only when the stars align just like a full night’s sleep human beings need it to stay healthy and functioning.

Vacations, in fact, can be one of the times we experience even lower stress levels and this is why some studies show vacations helping to break patterns that lead to heart disease.

Here are the science-backed reasons why your next best trip could be reserving your next vacation today:

1. Stress Reduction:

There are many studies to show that vacations help substantially in reducing stress. Taking a vacation gets us away from our work areas, and all the things that we know cause stress email, phone calls, and overdue projects into a new environment.

Both the American Psychological Association and a study of lawyers in Canada agree that going on vacations helps reduce job stress. In addition, the benefits of a holiday in theory last beyond the trip itself, with people suffering from significantly fewer stress-related physical complaints and finding themselves more relaxed even after several weeks back at home.

2. Heart Disease Prevention:

People who take regular vacations have much better cardiovascular health. Research has proven that people who don’t take vacations or holidays off from work are at higher risk of heart disease.

Both men and women get the health pay off that comes from taking regular vacations. Vacationing more frequently leads to lower incidence of heart attacks and coronary-related illnesses. This should remind you that taking time off is good for your heart in the long run.

3. Improved Productivity:

3. Improved Productivity:

Taking time off from work is an idealistic way to increase productivity. Studies by Ernst & Young and The Boston Consulting Group show that employees who take annual vacations are likelier to do better in their job as well as stay longer with one employer.

Further, greater time off correlates with increased year-end performance ratings, indicating that taking a break can actually improve job performance.

4. Better Sleep Quality:

Long-term exposure to stress or overwork suffer from loss of sleep quality as well as extreme fatigue the next day. When you go on vacation, this opens the door to having no habits and therefore anything that would cause you to not sleep well just goes out the window.

Disconnecting from work duties and filling days with restorative strategies having fun help to reinforce weeknight sleep habits so individuals can slumber deeper during their vacation and return home with healthy sleeping patterns.

With summer right around the corner, it is essential to start thinking about how vacationing will improve your health and overall lifestyle. Time off is an investment to lower stress, therefor prevent heart disease, be more productive and achieve a better sleep which is part of living healthier life in balance with your well-being. That’s why rather than shelve your holiday, think about what a much-needed break could do for your health and how you feel.

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